

阅读:12871 发布于:2023-03-14 14:56

INNOCENT KIPROP SEREM同学(媒体与传播学院,新闻传播学专业,班号B2120095,学号121200990060):




该生(INNOCENT KIPROP SEREM)自2022年9月19日起未经批准连续两周未参加学校规定的教学活动且自2023年2月9日起未注册且超过学校规定期限未注册而又未履行暂缓注册手续。



线上:腾讯会议室(会议号:306 661 991)

联系人: 杨老师;电话:021-34208622;邮箱:ceeyoung@sjtu.edu.cn



领取人(签字):    领取日期:


Dear INNOCENT KIPROP SEREM (School of Media and Communication, majoring in Journalism and Communication, Class ID: B2120095, Student ID: 121200990060),

According to Article 30 of the Provisions on the Administration of Students in Regular Institutions of Higher Education (Order of the Ministry of Education, PR China, No. 41) Item Ⅱ, Article 43 of the SJTU Graduate Student Status management implementation rules (HJY [2021] No.86), (IV) The student has been absent from education activities as stipulated by the University for two consecutive weeks without approval and (V) The student has neither registered within the prescribed time limit nor applied for extension for registration; your student status will be terminated and you are requested to withdraw from the university. Please contact the following contact person before March 26th 2023 and complete the necessary procedures. If you have any objection to this request, please appeal with relevant facts, excuses, and evidence at the time and venue as specified below. If no feedback is heard from you within the specified time limit, you will be deemed to have no objection to the request to withdraw from the university.

You are requested to withdraw from the university based on the fact that:

“The student has been absent from education activities as stipulated by the University for two consecutive weeks without approval and the student has neither registered within the prescribed time limit nor applied for extension for registration ”.

The above mentioned Student INNOCENT KIPROP SEREM has been absent from education activities as stipulated by the University for two consecutive weeks without approval since September 19th 2022 and has neither registered within the prescribed time limit nor applied for extension for registration since February 9th 2023.

Time and venue to appeal:

Time: March 26th, 2023, 12:00 pm-13:00pm

Online: (Voov ID: 306 661 991)

 Contact Person:

Name: Ms. Yang; Tel: 021-34208622; Email: ceeyoung @sjtu.edu.cn

Office: A104, School of Media and Communication

School of Media and Communication

March 14th, 2023

Receiver (signature):  Date Received:

Deliverer (signature)