
17 Papers from SMC students got accepted by the 71st Annual ICA Conference

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The 71st Annual Conference hosted by the International Communication Association (ICA) will be held online on May 27-31, 2021. ICA, established in 1950, is the largest international academic organization in the field of communication, and aims to encourage and promote excellent academic research in communication worldwide.


The theme of this year's ICA conference is: Engaging the Essential Work of Care: Communication, Connectedness, and Social Justice. Focusing on that theme, graduate students from the School of Media and Communication of Shanghai Jiao Tong University actively participated. This year, a total of 17 papers from SMC students were accepted by the ICA main conference. This is not only due to the obvious change brought by the school’s reform of the doctoral training program in 2019, but also due to many years’ efforts by the school of aiming towards the world-class disciplines and adhering to internationalized education. Following is the list of accepted papers.





First year PhD

Yuheng Wu; Lin Zhang; Jilong Wang; Yi Mou

Framing Air Quality Index Information: Impact on Risk Perception and Precaution Intention

Second year PhD

Che Liu; Ye Tian

Research on the influence mechanism of overseas film and television consumption on cultural identification

Longfei Li; Wei Jiang; Guoliang Zhang

How do internet use attitude incongruence trigger digital intergenerational conflict?—— the perspective of ego-depletion theory

Ruimin He

Generational difference in health behaviors during covid-19 pandemic: based on the perspective of media exposure

Yulei Feng

The effects of corrective information on preventive intention in COVID-19: Examining the mediation roles of cognitive and emotional responses

Yulei Feng

Staying online, staying connected: Exploring the effect of online chatting on adolescents' psychological well-being during COVID-19 quarantine

Ran Feng; Yulei Feng; Alex Ivanov

Psychological Relief in Pandemic Diaries: Individual Narrative in Chinese Social Media During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Third year PhD

Joveria Hassan;

Numan Sanic; Ke Xue

Affordances of Polymedia in the Cultural Adaptation of Pakistani Students in China

Lijuan Chen; Hui Hui; Hao Wang

Beyond Hospital Walls: Mining the Evaluative Factors of the Computer-mediated Physician-patient Communication in Online Consultation

Lijuan Chen; Danyang Zhang

Confrontation or Cooperation: A Genre Analysis of the Impoliteness-face Interaction during Crisis

Fourth year PhD

Yulong Chen; Ke Xue; Megan Dai

The Temperature of Online Games: Traditional Cultural Avatar Images to Teenage Players Research on the Influence of Perceived Value

Farzana Sharmin; Mohammad Sultan;

Benqian Li

Influence of Cultural Values on Millennials′ Social Media Acceptance for Travel Purposes: An Integrated Approach

Fifth year PhD

Le Wang; Ke Xue

The effect of mass media use on Chinese women’s modern fertility concept: A study based on the modernization theory

Mohammad Sultan; Farzana Sharmin; Ke Xue

Exploring the influence of destination promotion and community opinion on social media towards travelers destination choice intention

Mohammad Sultan; Farzana Sharmin; Ke Xue

Investigating the antecedents of social media acceptance by women entrepreneurs in a developing country: Empirical insights from Bangladesh

Second year Master

Ziyuan Li; Zhi Lin

Comparing Discourse Strategy between Domestic Propaganda and Public Diplomacy: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson’s Response to COVID-19 on Weibo and Twitter

Third year Master

Yuanyi Mao; Wu Li; Bo Hu

The effects of exposure to different consequences of prosocial behavior in short video on adolescents’ helping behavior