
Guest Lecture: Branding Coca-Cola, The Strategy of Sustainable Development

阅读:9200 发布于:2018-11-15 09:12

On Friday, November 9th, the School of Media and Communication hosted a guest lecture "Branding Coca-Cola: The Strategy of Sustainable Development" by Ms. Chunhong Yu – General Manager for Public Policy, Sustainability and Social Impact of Coca-Cola Greater China.


At the beginning of her speech, Ms. Yu mentioned that Coca-Cola has celebrated its 132nd anniversary on May 8th of this year, as well as, the 40th anniversary of Coca-Cola's return to the Chinese Mainland.

Ms. Yu stated that Coca-Cola is the largest non-alcoholic ready-to-drink beverage company in the world. On an average day, around 1.9 billion Coca-Cola beverages are being enjoyed by people all over the world. Coca-Cola works with 27 million retailers delivering its products to consumers everywhere. In China, Coca-Cola has about 70 different brands and still counting, while all over the world, it has over 500 brands in categories like: sparkling drinks, water, and ready-to-drink tea & coffee. Around the world, Coca-Cola has more delivery trucks than DHL, USPS, and FedEx, combined altogether!

"We have formed what our chairman called 'Golden Triangle Partnership' where we work with business communities, NGOs and with the government, to collectively try to solve the problems that we face. Sustainability priorities for us are three W's as in: Water, Women and Waste." – Ms. Yu mentioned, speaking of Coca-Cola's sustainability priorities.

(Written by: Norhan Omar; Edited by Lutong Zhang)